Do you ever feel like your retirement planning goals are always moving? You’re not alone. We’ve found that people often move the goalposts in their own retirement planning and most of the time to their detriment. In this episode, we’re diving deep into the psychology of retirement planning and the dangers of moving the goalposts.
Join us as we dig deeper into some of these common hesitations and excuses around retirement planning. Whether you find yourself pushing off investing until you have a certain amount in the bank or keep telling yourself “I’m going to get serious about saving next year,” moving your goalposts could mean having to work longer than you intended. Stay tuned as Donna provides some valuable insight into sticking to your plan so that you can retire when you’re ready.
Here’s some of what we’ll discuss in this episode:
- The risk of waiting for a certain number in the bank before implementing your investment strategy. (2:15)
- How the “I’m going to get serious about saving next year” attitude often leads to missed opportunities. (5:44)
- The danger of pushing off reducing your risk. (7:41)
- Having a plan before picking a retirement date. (11:50)
If you are interested in any of the topics we discussed, please reach out and we would be happy to help you navigate your financial situation.

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