Essential Planning for Career Change

Essential Planning for Career Change

Well, congratulations on the new job! Excited? I hope you are!  Whether career change means you are stepping into an executive role,  moving to a new company, or changing industries altogether, there’s a lot to think about. Today we are talking about career...
Essential Planning for Divorce

Essential Planning for Divorce

How do you spell relief? D-I-V-O-R-C-E!  This was my dad’s motto after he and my mom split up. I actually think he had it written on a T-shirt.  Sound cold? Yup. But his motto led me to enhance my career and add CDFA® (Certified Divorce Financial...
Financial Planning vs. Asset Management

Financial Planning vs. Asset Management

I talk to a lot of people.  One, because I am chatty and two, because I love to talk about the importance of planning – planning for your finances, planning for college, planning for life, and making contingency plans for the “what if’s”.  Many times,...
3 Stages of Essential Planning

3 Stages of Essential Planning

Close your eyes and imagine what life would look like if the person you said “I love you” to this morning was suddenly gone? What would your future look like? Are you going to be okay financially? Can you send the kids to school? Can you stay in your home? Today we...
This Is My Why

This Is My Why

You might be wondering why I am doing this, why am I creating these for you, my co-widows and widowers? What is my Why?  This might be my first video, but I promise you… THIS will be the one that gives me chills and makes my belly flip… It’s not because I’m...